The Enchanted Cafe

Live Psychic Readings from NYC's finest readers

You are entering a temporary autonomous zone.

The time is the 1970s and 1980s and you are strolling down Ninth Street in the East Village of New York City.

You feel magic in the air.

Something is calling you.  You feel the energy of a storefront beckoning you. So you walk in and your life changes.

You get a psychic reading, you receive guidance from your higher self - and you find your destiny.

Our suggestion is that you start by choosing a psychic that you resonate with and choose an “Enchanted Cafe” reading from their menu of time-based sessions.

That way, if you like the psychic, you can book a full reading with them, through the site.


Lady Rhea

Lady Rhea is affectionately known as the Witch Queen of New York City. She has been an icon in the NYC magickal community for more than 40 years. She is the High Priestess and elder in the New York Coven of Witches as well as the Minoan Sisterhood. She has initiated and mentored generations of […]

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Lady Miw Sekhmet

An Enchanted Life Carol Bulzone is a legend in the NYC Wiccan community; as the co-founder of Enchantments in the East Village and High Priestess and Witch Queen since 1975, Bulzone has influenced a generation of young NYC witches. Bulzone, whose magickal name is Lady Miw Sekhmet, comes from a long line of goddess worshippers.  […]

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Anthony Russell

Anthony Russell embodies the romantic vision of a psychic from New York city –  sophisticated, well-traveled, articulate, and a master of several mystery traditions reflecting the melting pot of his locale. A Manhattan native, Russel is well-known as a highly sought-after reader – and also as the owner of the former “Zodiac Lounge.” In the […]

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Phil Gruber

Phil Gruber was book shopping in New Zealand one day and a book literally fell off the shelf– it was Napoleon’s “Book of Fate,” a mysterious papyrus scroll that was originally found in an Egyptian temple in 1798, by a French team of archeologists. “The oracle is truly one-of-a-kind, amazingly accurate,” Gruber says.  “It is […]

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Skydin Zeal

Skydin Zeal’s readings are the best of “East meets West meets the Galactic Universe.” Zeal draws upon the ancient Runes, ancient Egypt – and even Atlantean energy – during the course of a reading. “Based upon the reading, every client gets their own personalized ancient Norse mantra,” Zeal says. “I also gave them an appropriate […]

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Psychic Louis

NYC’s Number One Flower Reader While many psychics use Tarot cards or runes, Mystic Louis uses flowers and plants to divine the future and give advice to clients. Louis – who has been a professional psychic reader for more than 40 years – says he stumbled upon flower reading by chance.  He went to a […]

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Shelley Leggett

A voice for the voiceless When spirit wants you to develop your psychic gifts, sometimes the message can be jarring. In Shelley’s case, she was driving home from work one evening and suddenly found a person she did not know sitting in the passenger seat. “It was a spirit – someone who had crossed over,” […]

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Rita Segarra

Queen of the Lenormand For Rita Segarra, the Lenormand cards are the perfect cards for New York City. “They are blunt and in-your-face,” laughs Segarra, a Bronx native. “The key to a good reading is to learn how to convey the message in a diplomatic manner – and not be so jarring.” Segarra has always […]

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Marianna Leah

Marianna Leah is known as the “Oracle of Union Square.” Leah is a natural medium and psychic who developed a following in Union Square Park in NYC after she began giving readings, psychic advice, and “communicating with departed loved ones,” for residents in the area. She is also a practicing Soul Retrieval Specialist and Quantum […]

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Lady Jade

Lady Jade was given the nickname “Lighthouse for the Soul” during a personal development training course in California – and the nickname has stuck with her ever since. “That is what I do – I shine the light for people to see what they need to see,” she says. “The lighthouse has become my personal […]

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Gypsy Maritza

La Gitana Bella Maritza was one of the most popular readers at Original Products in the Bronx; she reads the Spanish “Gypsy” playing cards and is known for her upbeat personality and reading style. She grew up in the Bronx in a Puerto Rican family that used the playing cards to divine the future. Spanish […]

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Dee Dunckley

The Hermetic Astrologer Dee Dunckley is one of the best Hermetic Astrologers in the NYC esoteric community. Hermetic Astrology teaches that each person is created for a very special purpose – and that purpose is revealed in the birth chart. Dunckley’s journey into astrology began when she was 14 years old and came across a […]

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Connect With Katerina

At a young age, Katerina first discovered her ability to connect with angels, spirit guides, and those that have passed. Katerina inherited her abilities from her Greek grandmother and great grandmother. After 27 years, Katerina’s abilities have become stronger with time and has come to use her mediumistic talents to assist people in all types […]

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Aphrodite Divinia

The Love Witch Daisy Orsini is “100 percent witch.” A naturally-gifted psychic and hereditary witch, her Peruvian grandmother was traditional healer and her Portuguese grandmother was a “gypsy, who practiced the dark arts.” However, Daisy’s speciality is love. “I am a love witch,”she says. “I am in love with love.  Every since I was a […]

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